
Equal Opportunities Policy

MRL® is a small UK based niche consultancy providing management services and related business advisory services to the public sector both in the UK and internationally in areas ranging from to Programme and Project Management to Strategy Development.

We are committed to ensuring that all of our activities are carried out on a fair and equitable basis and in the spirit of good equal opportunity practice as determined by legislation, the council for Racial Equality, the Equal Opportunities Commission and other relevant organisations.

This policy is addressed to all employees, associates, clients, and suppliers. It is reviewed annually and action taken as necessary to ensure that it remains effective.

We will always do what is right and fair with respect to individuals to ensure that there can be no discrimination on grounds of race, colour, disability, religious, belief, age, ethnic, or national origin, political opinion, gender, sexual orientation, sexuality, family or marital status, economic status or trade union membership or non-membership.

We will apply this policy to all employees, clients, stakeholders and in every activity in which we are engaged. We encourage all our employees to adopt the principles of equal opportunities.

MRL® as an Employer

Recruitment and Selection
Wherever possible all vacancies will be advertised simultaneously internally and externally.

Selection criteria, including job description and person specification will be kept under review to ensure that they are justifiable on non-discriminatory grounds as being essential for the effective performance of the job.

Candidates will be selected wholly on merit. Selection tests will measure only those qualities, skills, and experience relevant to the job and reasonable adjustments will be made to such test requirements to ensure their suitability for candidates with disabilities. Salary on appointment shall follow the principles of fair and equal treatment.

Those involved in the recruitment and selection process will be suitably trained and aware of their responsibilities in law and under this policy. The reasons for selection and rejection of applicants for vacancies will be recorded.

Terms and Conditions of Service
All HR policies in relation to terms and conditions of service will be established under the principles governing this policy.

Training and Development
All employees shall have equal access to training and development opportunities. Our processes and procedures relating to performance appraisal, promotion, and pay and reward review will be established on clearly defined principles free of any unfair bias. All employees will be given the help that they need in order to attain their full potential to the benefit of the MRL® and themselves.

MRL® as a Provider of Services
We will ensure that our clients are treated equally and fairly. We will consider the effect of our advice, guidance, communications, services and methods of working on equality of opportunity and ensure that equality is facilitated and not hindered.

All applicants are invited to indicate their nationality and ethnic origin on their application form. This information will be stored by MRL® for internal statistical analysis and for no other purpose.

MRL® as a Purchaser of Services
In making purchasing decisions and contracting out work, we will not knowingly use contractors or agencies that operate unfair employment practices or discriminate unfairly in any way. Anyone contracted by MRL® will be made aware of this policy and expected to comply with it.

The co-operation of all employees and members is essential for success of this policy. However, the ultimate responsibility for achieving the policy objectives and for ensuring compliance with the relevant Acts of Parliament rests with MRL®.

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MRL® Public Sector Consultants © 2023. Company Registration No. 4546663. VAT No. 783948958. All Rights Reserved.

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